Yesterday, when I got the notice which indirectly stated that I'm an extra, unwanted, and unrequired member here............. A few thoughts popped up in my mind. I'm putting them in black and white with the hope that everything will be well eventually. I wish it not to be adieu but, to be the beginning of a new realm.
Apprehensions and consternations
Was that what I wished for?
Happiness was what I sought...
But all of a sudden
That all seems afar
In a short span, the relations were made
But now, all seems in limbo
All adjustments now took a shade
Now its time to go
Ripples of feeling alienated at a known place
I was thrilled with the people and space
Now bearing the brunt of
A few slip-ups made in a haze
Shell-shocked and in a state of quandary
Maybe the vacancies available in sundry
Still afraid of what's in my fate
Once more life is a clean slate
I pray to God for courage
To start things anew
Comfortability will be obtained,
Maybe in days but few
Dithering at the state of new adjustment
Its time to initiate new interactions
Antsy of existing disability
Heed of my vulnerability
Well, it's not a choice but dictatorship
Uttering curses under God's flagship
A humanitarian approach or treatment with a whip
Now left everything to God and his mastership.