Thursday 27 January 2022



A black-board is a teacher's ally
Having the companionship of a duster and chalk
One to erase all that fills it
And other to fill it anon

A black-board is an artists canvass
A habitue of institute's parties and celebrations
Get adorned by novel phrases and sayings
And enlighten all the generations

An innocent's heart is an empty blackboard
I have the yen that no one writes on it
As the time elapses away eventually
Can be easily wiped off, all that's written on it.

Perhaps, life was like a black-board
Never trailing behind
Magnanimous to wipe off all the mistakes
Even something splendid gets abraded with time

Perhaps, life was a new blackboard
Capacious to occupying anything from history to science
Adorning itself with white lines
Contended with its own boundary lines




Veenu Murjhani said...

Life n hearts are blackboards. Like a teacher we write many a things like emotions, daily chores, wishes,desiresand so on. Like an artist we fill the colors of joy, happiness, success and satiety.

Unknown said...

How beautifully u expressed each n everything about the realtio ship of a teacher with its student. How the teacher tries to share his knowledge,facts, expressions, feelings n experiences.

ajaywrites said...

Thanks Veenu mam and unknown

Suhas Kothari said...

Another gem by my super talented brother
Very well expressed.

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