Tuesday 13 October 2020

Hope to Fly


Hope to fly

Aimed to soar high in the sky

Found me into Nadir instead

A desire for the light always

Got restricted by the darkness ll1ll

Moved forward, felt tired

Respite and cheerfulness were  craved

My prayers were overheard

There were only rest and no flight of a bird,ll2ll

I covet at times

Pause to, not to be futile

Yearn to make the best out of it

Work for everyone's benefit ll3ll

Often find confronted by gloominess

Which enshrouds my smile

Having no doubt that yet

God has to open my splendid days' file ll4ll

When and how this will happen

Neither you nor can I predict

My dreams will transpire someday

I will fly, Take to the sky

If only fate does not interdict ll5ll


Unknown said...

Fly fly fly high......

Mann said...

With your will power, determination and persistence, you will!!

Veenu Murjhani said...

It's time to fly high.
Everyone will see your flight.
Best wishes

Rain and life

D own with the sadness Sound of raindrops brought me to the light They whispered in my ears This time will also pass And make everything ...